Kreative Spill: An Intro

Hello from Kreative Spill!

We’re a game development company based in Son, Norway. We were founded by a number of industry veterans who decided to go their own way in the gaming world. Our team combines experience in MMO, free-to-play, social, and mobile development.

We designed the company from the beginning to have two segments, the game studio and the tech developer. We want to make games. That’s why we’re here. But, we need tech in order to make that happen, and focusing on multiplayer games raises that bar considerably. Luckily we have the experience to create our own solutions in-house, and if we’re going to have to make the tech anyway, we would like to help other developers deal with the same problems.

Bold Tech Philosophy #1: Games should be as easy to create as books.

Of course, that’s not to say that books are easy to create. However, technology is not preventing people from writing. There is certainly a world of difference between the words that emerge from the tip of my pen and those of a great author, but that doesn’t prevent me from writing them (and how can one write great words without writing mediocre ones first?). Sadly, the vast majority of people who want to create games don’t even have that metaphorical pen. We would like to help change that.

Luckily, there are a number of great middleware companies hard at work on this problem. There are some fantastic packages available that can help a developer get a beautiful, 3D world up and running. However, the options are far more limited when it comes to the non-player-facing problems, such as persistence, server management, metrics, billing, etc. We want to tackle the problems that online developers experience on the backend in order to help move game development ever closer to the ideal, a world where the only barrier to game development is desire.

Bold Design Philosophy #1: We make games for people who like our games.

This may sound a bit odd, but what we’re really saying is that we hope to focus on tight niches of players, giving those players what they exactly need without compromising in an effort to be “mass market.” An increasingly common problem is that games end up betraying the very players who should be their biggest fans in hollow attempts to “expand the target market.” In trying to make a game appeal to disparate markets, the required compromises almost always result in a worse product. It is far better, in my opinion, to make a game that will be unabashedly adored by a focused group of players, even (and especially) if it makes everyone else hold it in utter contempt.

In service of this, we will endeavor to make our game development process as open and transparent as we possibly can. We want to allow and even encourage people to check our ideas out early (sometimes VERY early) and offer their insight and feedback. We want to give our players room to get inside our heads and poke around. It will probably be a bit scary (for both of us!), but I think it will help us make better games.

Posted in old_archived

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